8 Suprising Software Integrations for Ad-Keyword Tracking

Discover how integrating Attribution IQ with platforms like Outlook, Gravity Forms, HubSpot, and more can transform your ad keyword tracking, boost your ROI/ROAS, and give you a competitive edge in understanding your audience's journey from keyword to conversion.

8 Surprising Software Integrations for Ad-Keyword Tracking 

A Quick Look at Attribution IQ

Attribution IQ is a lead attribution software that tracks which strategies and campaigns were effective in driving revenue-generating leads–and which keywords deserve credit for them.

While many tools in your marketing tech stack offer valuable insights, Attribution IQ goes a step further by clearly linking specific leads to the keywords that brought them in. 

The data can contribute to your decisions on where to allocate your budget based on the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). Here’s how: 

Track Every Site Visit: It keeps an eye on everyone who visits your website, noting how they got there, including the specific ads or searches they came from. This helps you understand what's attracting people to your site.

Better Lead Tracking: When someone shows interest in your product (a lead), Attribution IQ remembers how they found you and keeps this information linked with their profile in your customer management system. This way, you can see the entire journey a customer takes from first interest to purchase.

Smart Reporting: With all this data, Attribution IQ can show you reports that break down which ads, campaigns, or keywords are bringing you valuable customers. This information is gold when deciding where to invest your marketing budget.

Now, let's delve into some unexpected yet powerful software integrations that can supercharge your ad-keyword tracking when paired with Attribution IQ.

1. Outlook

At first glance, it might seem odd to connect your ad-keyword tracking tool with an email platform like Outlook. 

But, you shouldn’t sleep on it.

By linking Attribution IQ with Outlook, you can track which email interactions correlate with key actions, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. 

You’ll be able to target your email campaigns and tweak content, subject lines, and calls-to-action based on the keywords that resonate most with your audience.

2. Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is a favourite for creating forms on WordPress sites, but when integrated with lead attribution tools like Attribution IQ–things level up!

This integration helps you trace which forms are pulling their weight in conversions and which ones might need adjusting, all based on the keywords that drew people in. 

It's a smart way to ensure your forms are as effective as they can be in turning visitors into leads.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot is a big name in the world of inbound marketing. (I’m sure you’re aware ;))

Now, by integrating Attribution IQ with Hubspot, you bridge the gap between keyword analytics and your lead data.  

It helps you figure out which keywords make you the most money and which part of your content is convincing people to buy.

Simplified: It tracks the first thing someone searches for online when they decide to buy what you're selling.

This way, you get a clear picture of which keywords generate the most revenue and which parts of your content strategy are genuinely converting.

4. Pipedrive

What happens when you connect AIQ (Attribution IQ) with Pipedrive, an easy-to-use sales CRM?

You’ll get detailed data from campaigns, ad groups, and specific keywords right into Pipedrive, giving you the run down into what really drives sales.

The integration helps both sales and marketing teams understand what grabs a lead's attention. 

Sales can see what keywords a lead used to find your product and then tailor their talks to fit exactly what the lead is interested in. 

At the same time, marketing teams can check if their chosen keywords are effective and driving good ROI. 

5. Formsite

With Formsite, you can create surveys and forms that look good and perform even better. 

When linked with lead attribution software, each submission can be traced back to the keyword journey that brought the user there. 

This is where Attribution IQ gives you a clear map of which keywords are worth your investment and which might need a reevaluation.

6. Metform

For those who use WordPress, Metform's integration with Attribution IQ means that every form filled is a story told. 

You can see what motivated your visitors to take action, adjust your spending accordingly, and ensure that your site's content is aligned with what your audience is actively seeking.

7. Qu Forms

Qu Forms makes form creation intuitive and effective. By integrating it with lead attribution software, every form submission becomes a data point. 

This is when you can see which keywords are working, how much money you're making from the forms, and how effective your ads are.

8. Calendly

Calendly makes it super easy to schedule meetings, and when you link it with Attribution IQ, you get to see which keywords are bringing people to book appointments or demos. 

This hack is incredibly helpful for making your content better and ensuring that your invitations to take action grab people's attention. 

By understanding what keywords lead to real engagements and possibly sales, you can invest in campaigns stress-free and know you’ll connect with your audience. 

If you want to know the value of your ROI and ROAS, you need to understand the lead's path from keyword to conversion. While you can't get the full picture from just these platforms or Attribution IQ alone, integrating them fills in the gaps. 

This way, you get all the data you need to see how well your investments are doing and make smarter choices to improve your results.

Integrating Attribution with these platforms can transform your keyword tracking and give you a competitive edge.


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