Connect Paid Ads to Revenue with Gravity Forms

Capturing leads is great—but do you know which ones are actually bringing in revenue? If you’re managing paid ad campaigns without connecting them to the sales leads in your Gravity Forms, you’re leaving crucial insights on the table.

With AttributionIQ’s Gravity Forms Integration, you can track every lead back to the ad, keyword, or campaign that brought them in.

Stop Guessing Which Keywords Drive Revenue

Paid ads can drive traffic, clicks, and conversions, but the real question is: Which of those leads are making you money?
AttributionIQ bridges the gap between your paid campaigns and sales leads by:

Tracking the Full Lead Journey

See exactly which ad or keyword brought in each lead.

Tying Campaigns to Revenue

Know which leads from Gravity Forms turn into paying customers. Now you can monitor campaigns and how they tie into gravity forms leads.

Optimising Your Ad Spend

Focus on the campaigns that deliver results—and cut the ones that don’t.

How AttributionIQ’s Gravity Forms Integration Works

1. Capture Attribution Data Automatically
AttributionIQ adds hidden UTM fields to your Gravity Forms, tagging every lead with details about its source—campaign, keyword, and channel.

2. Sync Leads With Your CRM
Leads flow directly from Gravity Forms into your CRM, complete with attribution data. Now you can see which campaigns are driving deals, all in one place.

3. Track ROI in Real Time
See how your paid campaigns are performing at a glance. AttributionIQ connects ad spend to lead quality and revenue, giving you real-time insights.

4. Optimise Based on Revenue, Not Just Leads
Focus on scaling the keywords and campaigns that deliver high-value leads. No more wasted budget on ads that don’t convert.

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